Monday, July 5, 2010

"We'll always have Paris"

Ever since the quintessential lonely, tough guy Humphrey Bogart uttered those famous words 68 years ago, and perhaps dating back to the romantic era of the 18th century, Paris has been an enduring global symbol, the city of romance, the city of love.

Whilst there are so many global icons within Paris, from the Lourve, to the Arc de Triomphe and Eiffel Tower, it is elsewhere that I began to feel the pulse of the city, its culture, its spirit.

It is felt during a picnic by sunset in front of the Eiffle Tower with good friends. It is felt wandering the Champs Elysee and seeing the passion of the young lovers making out in the park. It is felt cycling busy streets and stopping for a cold drink by a street corner.

In my typical business school fashion, I asked my friend recently, "What is Paris' competitive advantage today? What keeps them strong?"

Her answer accurately captured it, "The history."

More than any other modern city I've visited, perhaps with the exception of Moscow, Paris is amazingly clever at keeping and restoring its history into the modern age. This helps propel the story, the ideal of Paris into every young romantic in the world. Whilst Mark Ritson may disagree, it helps maintain the brand of Paris. I envisage this allure of Paris continuing into the next generation. :)

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